Lori Anne and Sean's Legals Only Wedding

Lori Anne and Sean’s Legals Only Wedding Legals Only Wedding

Kaufononga and Sitivi's Legals Only Wedding with Randwick Marriage Celebrant Michael Janz

Kaufononga and Sitivi's Legals Only Wedding

Mele and Peter’s Legals Only Wedding with Randwick Marriage Celebrant Michael Janz

Mele and Peter’s Legals Only Wedding

Elena and Brian sign to make their marriage legal with Randwick Marriage Celebrant Michael Janz

Elena and Brian sign to make it legal!

Signing your Marriage Certificate is very special moment.

Legals Only WeddinGS AND COSTS

Every wedding should be different and unique to each couple. Michael Janz Celebrant is dedicated to conducting your wedding ceremony that reflects you as a couple and delivers what you want. Below outlines 2 approaches on offer.

  1. Legals Only Weddings where only the legal requirements to marry are completed with 2 witnesses present. This style of wedding caters for couples who may be planning a larger celebration at a later time or simple just want to get married legally! This is a type that people have gone to a “Registry Office” for. Michael Janz Celebrant offers a very personalised and welcoming approach to couples want a “legal only wedding”. See below for further details and costs …

  2. All-inclusive Weddings with include all the legal requirements and the planning and conduct of a full marriage ceremony customised for you. This the style of ceremony where you have chosen your date and venue for your wedding ceremony and reception and plan to invite the number of guests appropriate to the venue. Click here for further details and costs …

Legals Only Wedding Process with 2 witnesses only

  1. Complete your Notice of Intended Marriage. Michael Janz Celebrant will provide the document for you to complete prior to your first meeting.

  2. Your information is entered into the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Portal.

  3. A time is arranged to meet to sign and with Michael Janz Celebrant as your authorised witness. This must be done no later than a month before your planned wedding date. I’d suggest we do this as soon as possible. You are welcome to meet at my home office in Randwick. I have underground car parking for you. I’m also happy to meet in another mutually convenient location. Subject to availability, I’m happy to meet 7 days during the day up until early evening. When and where would it suit you? THere is also an option to do this remotely via Zoom.

  4. When we meet, I need to verify your identities. Please bring either your Passport/s OR Drivers Licence AND Birth Certificate with you to the meeting to satisfy the requirements.

  5. You will need two witnesses over 18 years old to witnesses the Marriage Certificate signing on your wedding day. Could you please email me their full names when finalised.

  6. When we meet, I’ll also provide all the details of the nature of the legals part of your Ceremony as well as:

  • In June 2024 the Marriage Act was emended requiring an authorised celebrant to meet separately and in person with each party to the marriage before the marriage is solemnised. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that each party is freely and voluntarily consenting to the marriage. A separate meeting needs to occur in the absence of the other party to the marriage and in a culturally safe environment. Other persons can attend with the party’s permission. I would like to discuss these meetings with you as soon as manageable.

  • A document called ‘Declaration of no legal impediment to marriage’. By signing the Declaration, you declare that you believe that you are of marriageable age, and that there is no legal impediment to your marriage.

  • On your wedding day, I will “solemnise” your marriage then will ask you, your partner and your witnesses to sign three marriage certificates. There will be a brief “ceremony’ of a few minutes so legal words will be completed by myself and the couple.

    7. After your wedding, I will register your marriage with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and apply and pay for your Official Marriage Certificate that will be posted by registered mail to you.

Costs: Legals Only Wedding at my Randwick Home Office* with 2 witnesses provided by couple (Monday – Thursday) not including public holidays.

$600 which includes the application, supply and postage of a Standard Marriage Certificate from Births Deaths and Marriages.

Costs: Legals Only Wedding at my Randwick Home Office* with 2 witnesses provided by couple (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

$700 which includes the application, supply and postage of a Standard Marriage Certificate from Births Deaths and Marriages.

*Legals only Weddings at another location will attract an additional fee. Any additional fee to be determined upon detailed enquiry.

You can click here to book an initial introductory Zoom meeting https://calendly.com/michael-620/introductory-zoom-wedding-meeting .